Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What the world need now ISN'T another blog

In the 1965 hit song "What the World Needs Now Is Love", songstress Jackie DeShannon declared that we all don't need any more mountains, fields, oceans or rivers, but rather love, simply because it's the only thing that there is just too little of. Although personally I would quickly argue that what the world really needs is Christ (there is certainly too little Christ in this world), I still enjoy the song regardless. I can also say that this world does not need another blog in existence, and it certainly does not need another so called "mommy blog". Yet somehow here I find myself starting one up. So you may be asking yourself: Why? Why add your contribution to the bloggesphere? What can you say now that hasn't been said already?

Truthfully, I find myself asking the same questions. Why does my opinion or my story matter? Ultimately, why should anyone read a blog that I write? Honestly, I've come across a multitude of blog posts over the years and have in some ways seen the same types of posts repeatedly. Am I the only one that feels like they are all are kind of saying the same thing, but just using different words? Maybe I am crazy but I've always felt like there was an extra something missing. Something that I couldn't put my finger on. And I always seem to have an opinion that varies from the mainstream. I feel that as parents knowledge is power in the decisions that we make (and lets face it, a huge part of parenting is making decisions),  and if all we are hearing is the same story over and over again, what have we really gained?

In short, I purpose that we all listen to each other and grow from shared knowledge and experience. Even if we all don't agree on everything, it's always beneficial to at least hear another opinion. Let me give you an example: Once when I was getting ready for my first baby I somehow ended up watching a YouTube video of a woman explaining how cloth diapering works and why it is better than disposables. I tired to understand. I really did. But to this day I still don't get how people use cloth diapers. While I respect people who use choose to use them (I hate the idea of filling up the local dump yards with the stuff that comes out of my kids - yuck!), I could never do that myself. Sorry, it just isn't happening. BUT - I can say that it was insightful to hear the reasoning behind it, and it helped me better appreciate parents that do decide to take that route.

So with all this in mind, I begin my own personal blogging journey. Join me, won't you? Pull up a chair and stick around. You never know - you just might learn something new.

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