Thursday, January 30, 2014

Life with an (almost) 2 year old boy

As of late I find myself reflecting a lot of my life right now and I am constantly in awe of how unique this phase of my life is. I'm in the trenches. I know it won't be long until the kids are older and nostalgia rears it's ugly head and I will wonder: What happened to my babies?? 

It's eminent and it's inevitable.

I try my best to capture and memorialize these days as they fly by so fast simply so one day I can look back and say, "Oh yeah, I remember those days." instead of "Gosh, I don't even remember that!" I mean, don't ALL women have that natural tendency towards sentimentality, at some level? Especially with their kids. I never want to forget life as a mommy of two under two. 

So, in order to help me remember the smaller, more mundane aspects of my life as it currently stands, I decided to jot down a few things that really define, not in whole but to a fairly accurate degree, my day to day experience. 

In no particular order, I present to you... My life with an (almost) 2 year old boy:

#1. Toys

Oh, the toys! Oh the toys, toys, toys, TOYS! (Grinch reference, anyone?) I've blocked off as many areas of the house as I can, but regardless the toys end up EVERYwhere. The kitchen floor, the window sill, and yes....even the bathroom. My son is currently obsessed with cars (and anything that has wheels, really) so the majority of the surprises that I find are little vehicles everywhere. I've even considered creating an Instagram account detailing all the strange/interesting/amusing places that they pop up. Without going into detail, our kid has quite an active imagination.

#2. The never ending To-Do list

Undoubtedly this is an issue that plagues all mothers of little ones alike, but this has become much more prevalent to me as of late. Nothing soothes and relives stress for me as much as checking things off a list of things to do. In my “former” life before I became a mom and I worked outside the house, my whole world revolved around checking off lists. And poof, just like that my ability to meet that unquenchable thirst from within was robbed from me. Now-a-days, if I get just one thing off my list a week it’s a mini party. Honestly, I think a part of me died when this changed in my life.

#3. Crumbs

I think this one is pretty self explanatory. My guy loves to eat “on the go” and often even while playing. Needless to say every surface of my house is covered in crumbs. I gave up on cleaning it since while I am in the process of cleaning one mess, another mess is in the process of being made (a vicious cycle). So, I just learned to live with it, which was a shockingly painful adjustment for such a Type-A personality as myself. And when I do get the chance to vacuum, I'm convinced that I've sucked up enough crumbs to create a whole new meal entirely. 

#4. Boundless energy

If I let my kid jump from couch to couch and back again from dawn till midnight everyday, he would do it without the slightest hit of tiredness. In fact, I often become the culprit of this energy and magically transform into “mommy: the human jungle gym”. Not sure when this happened, but let me tell you, it’s NOT conducive to cute jewelry items or any hair styles other than a pulled back pony tail (or a bun on “fancy” days - whoo hoo!) I never cease to be amazed at the amount of energy that is cooped up in a toddler boy. (Lucky for me, that same energy is also occasionally exerted into such things as morning hugs and random “I love you” hugs during the day.)

#5. Drama

When we found out in November of 2011 that our first baby was going to be a bouncing baby boy I was thrilled to think that I was going to narrowly avoid all the “girl drama”. I was a teenager once, I know how life is for young girls. Hormones, cattiness, obsession with self know, drama. I thought I was in the clear. Boys play in the dirt, eats lots of food, and leave messes everywhere. Done deal. Little did I know just how much drama would come from a little boy. Didn’t get the toy you wanted? Wanted a cookie but got whole wheat crackers instead? Yes, I think I’ll have a break down. And don’t even get me started on the drama fest that occurs EVERY time he gets a diaper change. Yes, my friends, there is drama. Even with boys.

#6 Early mornings, late nights

Again, I am sure most parents can relate. My kid, however avoids sleep like the black plague (and has done so since day one). If he could just skip sleep entirely, he would be happy to do so. Besides, it gets in the way of more important things like snack time, juice and (of course!) playtime! Did I mention he never stops moving? Oh yeah, see #4...

#7 Time FLYS

These past two years have gone by faster than any other years of my life (point in case, my 20’s will be coming to an end much sooner than I feel comfortable admitting....say what??) Seeing baby pictures of my boy feels like those day where just yesterday but now he’s a full fledged little person and even a big brother to boot. Baby days are already over with for him (again....say what??) and it’s gone by way WAY too fast. I mean, what happened to the days when I was in grade school and each day seemed like it took forever to get to 3 pm to get out of school? 

I know there is so much more that I can say, but this is all I can think of at the moment. If it isn't obvious, it's a crazy life right now, but someday I will look back and wish it all over again. 

Take away: Even though it's been amazingly difficult for me, I force myself to look to the things I can enjoy and treasure them. Children are, after all, a blessing!